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Welcome to the BF1 Community Hub enlistment landing,

We are a group of players who came together in search of one thing, a better console community. We are gathering Platoons, Clans, and Communities together under one roof, to play and interact with each other. No one will be forced to do anything in our community hub if they do not want to. We have a standard guideline of rules.

So what do you get out of it? A hub that offers a set of tools that normally would not be available to yourself. We will host events monthly and gather for huge weekly game nights where we will play full premade matches. We will help platoons establish themselves, recruit, and even allow them to make their home in our server if they want. 

If you are interested in joining, head over to our Discord channel. If you are a leader of a social circle, tell a moderator and we will get you set up.

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